Properties of ceremonial cacao: anandamide, phenylethylamine and theobromine

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The mysterious properties of cacao
Cacao has been recognized for centuries as an extremely valuable resource, whose unique flavor appeals to almost every taste. It is an ingredient in many traditional cakes and desserts, but is most often found in paste (cocoa blocks) or powder form. Ceremonial cocoa, i.e. true, neutral cocoa, however, in addition to its unique taste, boasts great health properties. It’s no secret that eating a few pieces of raw cacao or chocolate noticeably improves mood, but it’s also worth knowing that cacao products are a rich storehouse of nutrients. To what specific substances do they owe their health-promoting properties, and what specifically can consuming real cacao give us?

Cacao paste and cacao nibs
Why this magical effect of ceremonial cacao?
To answer this question, we need to go back to the very beginning of the process of creating ceremonial cacao. Let’s now move to the rainforests of South America. It is here that cacao trees grow on plantations in a hot and wet climate. The cocoa tree is a tree that can reach up to 15 meters in height and originally came from right here, in countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, although it is also readily grown today in African countries (such as Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon) and Asian countries (such as Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Malaysia). The cacao fruit, which resembles the shape of American footballs, contains between 20 and 60 cacao beans inside. It is precisely the cacao beans that are the starting point of the entire cacao manufacturing process and are responsible for the mysterious, psychoactive, and health-promoting effects of cacao products.
These beans are rich in micro and macronutrients: it is worth noting here right away that 100g of cacao provides as much as 230 calories, nearly 60% of which are fats. However, this, of course, is not all. Cacao beans also provide valuable and essential protein and carbohydrates for the body. Added to this are various vitamins, mainly those of the B group, E and PP. Opting for a cup of cacao, however, not only provides us with a wealth of valuable nutrients but also small amounts of psychoactive substances (it’s worth noting, though, that their effects are rather subtle). One of these substances is a fascinating ingredient called anandamide.

Anandamide, a source of spiritual stability
Cacao beans have an interesting and mysterious substance. It is anandamide. It gets its name from “ananda,” [3] a Sanskrit term for happiness, pleasure, joy and delight. Anandamide [4] is one of the most important endocannabinoids, compounds produced in the body that bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and other parts of the body. If the word “cannabinoid” tells you anything, your association is probably correct: cannabinoids are psychoactive substances found in high concentrations in marihuana.
After the discovery of anandamide, scientists started looking for cannabinoid receptors and discovered that the human body is filled with them! In addition to being found in several areas of the brain, they have been found in the central nervous system, heart, liver, spleen, pancreas, skin, white blood cells, reproductive organs, and the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts.

Anandamide – chemical formula
But does this mean that cacao has similar effects to marijuana? It certainly induces a state of relaxation, but some of the (anecdotal) allegations made against marijuana certainly don’t apply to it! According to recent studies, consuming cacao can help improve memory and even inhibit memory deterioration in the elderly. The properties of cacao have long been appreciated, as evidenced by such a large number of consumers. Nevertheless, we encourage you to only go for natural, high-quality cacao and thus avoid ready-made instant mixes, which unfortunately often contain a lot of sugar in them.
How does anandamide work?
Returning to anandamide, this substance plays an important role in motor control, pain sensation and craving. It is a regulator that keeps the brain and body in a state of balance, called homeostasis. The endocannabinoid system, which can be activated by anandamide, provides protection against stress-related mental illnesses, including major depression, generalized anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. So, we can say that anandamide is our natural substance of happiness and mental balance, the deficiency of which we can replenish ourselves by consuming cacao bean products. Now the term “food of the gods” – as ancient South American peoples called cacao – takes on a new meaning!
Cacao as a free radical slayer, or flavonoid
In addition to anandamide, raw cacao contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals such as iron, chromium, magnesium, zinc and potassium. Large amounts of magnesium are one of the reasons for the psychoactive effects of cacao. Magnesium has an antidepressant effect, naturally improving mood and reducing feelings of stress.
However, cacao is also – or perhaps especially – rich in large amounts of antioxidants, substances that protect the body’s cells from the effects of free radicals. These include flavonoids [1]. Their medicinal properties are invaluable. They exhibit anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic effects and reduce the mutagenic activity of tumours. In addition, there are many indications that flavonoids contribute to lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease mortality.
Theobromine instead of caffeine
In addition to the already mentioned anandamide, cacao beans also contain other substances with psychoactive effects. Again, however, it is worth mentioning that this effect is rather subtle: eating even very large amounts of chocolate will not cause an intoxicating effect. However, the content of psychoactive substances – such as caffeine, theobromine, phenylethylamine(PEA), tryptophan or theophylline – can have a positive effect on our mood. Starting with the first of these, the well-known caffeine, its presence in cacao makes it act as a stimulant, and reduces the sensation of fatigue, in addition to significantly improving concentration. Thus, cacao can be a reliable alternative to coffee and can even be used interchangeably with this popular “stimulant.”
In addition to caffeine, however, we also find theobromine in cacao. While the effects of caffeine are well known, theobromine [2] has a slightly different effect than this popular coffee ingredient. It stimulates the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, causing a rapid reduction in blood pressure. Paradoxically, therefore, this substance stimulates us and relaxes us at the same time, while at the same time showing anti-inflammatory effects and contributing to long-lasting, healthy sleep.

Theobromine – chemical formula
Phenylethylamine and tryptophan
We have mentioned at least two more substances, namely phenylethylamine and tryptophan. Despite their exotic-sounding name, these ingredients are known for their positive effects on our cognitive system. Phenylethylamine, by stimulating the release of acetylcholine, improves our cognitive functions, including memory. Another benefit of this substance is that the compound is beneficial for improving mood, and is therefore recommended for people suffering from depression. Phenylethylamine is also used to treat Parkinson’s disease.
Tryptophan, on the other hand, also affects cognitive function, but in a slightly different way. This substance, also known as L-tripropane, is an amino acid that acts as a natural mood regulator: it has the ability to help the body naturally produce and balance certain hormones. Supplementing foods with tryptophan-rich products or taking supplements helps achieve natural calming effects – tryptophan induces sleep and effectively combats anxiety.
As you can see, cacao is not only a fantastic snack but also a way to improve your health, mood and cognitive function. Cacao exhibits free radical inhibiting properties, which significantly slow down the ageing of the skin, as well as the body itself. In addition, the polyphenols contained in cacao have an anti-inflammatory effect, which means that regularly choosing to consume cacao as much as possible can help inhibit many dangerous diseases. In addition, reaching for cacao makes it possible to replenish magnesium, which is essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, and can help reduce cramps or pain. Finally, the psychoactive properties of cacao will effectively improve our mood and make our energy return. Real cocoa, available in our cocoa store, will help us regulate our mood and both soothe and provide energy. And all this with a beautiful taste and aroma in the background!